hey, there!

I'm Nova Markina.

Looking to grow your photography business, photograph your dream clients and have the work life balance you deserve?

An ambitious, six-figure wedding photographer who spends my Summers photographing the most luxurious weddings for my dream clients and the Winters soaking up the sun while traveling and exploring the world with my family.

It wasn’t always like this though…

I’ve come a really long way since I decided to turn my 'cute' photography hobby into a career 14 years ago. I struggled to find and book clients, and when I did, I was only charging $500 per event...crazy, right?

Since then, I've become an expert at helping other photographers reach their full potential, fill their calendar with the dreamiest clients and charge the premium prices their worth. Are you excited yet!?

in a flash masterclass


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rave reviews

"Nova is amazing! She has gone out of her way to mold her mentorship course to my photography business. She has offered countless strategies and ideas to improve my business and help me achieve my goals. The lessons are jammed packed with information and she always follows up with real life examples and how we can tie the information back to my business. I highly recommend this course to anyone starting out in photography or if you're looking to level up your business!"
- Jenna Veenstra

"Nova is amazing! She has gone out of her way to mold her mentorship course to my photography business."

""Nova is amazing! She has gone out of her way to mold her mentorship course to my photography business."


“Being mentored by Nova is one of the best things I’ve done for my new photography business. Nova’s a wealth of knowledge, answering all my questions from business insurance to file management to client experience. Nova not only answers my questions, but has helped me to actualize my goals by setting targets and creating foolproof workflows (Nova is the QUEEN of workflows and organization). After one session, I was already feeling a hundred times more confident in myself – if it weren’t for Nova, my website would still be under construction because I never felt it was good enough to publish. Nova’s given me the push I need to put in the work and grow my business and I can’t express how excited I am to continue growing under Nova’s guidance."
-Nathalie Heyden

“Being mentored by Nova is one of the best things I’ve done for my new photography business."

“Being mentored by Nova is one of the best things I’ve done for my new photography business."


"WOW! If you are looking to up level your business, then this course is for you! During my time with Nova I feel more confident in putting in the work to make my photography business thrive! Her one on one approach makes the course feel more personable and she really listens to the struggles and questions you have about your business. Her modules are so jammed pack with great information, she literally missed nothing when it comes to knowing how to successfully run your business. She genuinely cares about helping you move your business forward! Thanks so much Nova!"
- Meghan Downey

"WOW! If you are looking to up level your business, then this
course is for you!"

